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Trip Nordique
Trip Nordique
24 octobre 2008

Van Gogh Museum

Guess what? It was raining today!
And guess what else ? There are so many museum here in Amsterdam!
I picked the Vincent one.

I really liked this painting (Almond blossom/Amandelbloesem-1890),
I don't really know why... maybe I am starting to miss spring time... am I?
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No, I shouldn't, yesterday was almost a spring day, very sunny, incredibly sweet weather.
But today... it rains enough to realize my k-way is no longer impermeable.

And good new (at least for me, you probably won't care about that): the 2 dirty roomates went away yesterday and the room is really nice now! And, I met those brezilians and argentinos guys, very friendly! It was great to have those 4 "gringos" holding me the doors, being attentive, talking with latinos accent...

c est egalement ma peinture preferee de van gogh!<br /> olivier et anna m ont parle un peu de ton voyage pour chercher ta nouvelle maison.<br /> je ne suis jamais allee en suede par contre 2 fois a oslo et a amsterdam.<br /> si tu ouvre des votes, je sais deja ce que je choisirais<br /> profite bien du trip...<br /> bises